SWTOR 6.0 Class Guides List


A complete list of all SWTOR 6.0 Class Guides for PvE and PvP for the Onslaught Expansion, ordered by class, advanced class and discipline!

The new SWTOR 7.0 Class Guides Catalog is now up!

For new players, I suggest you first read the SWTOR 6.0 Ultimate Beginners Guide to get yourself familiar with the game’s systems, gameplay mechanics and various features.

If you need help understanding the Vertical and Horizontal aspects of the gearing process, check out the Complete SWTOR EndGame Gearing Guide for Lever 75.

If you are experienced with a Discipline that is not yet covered with an in-depth guide and you want to provide one or more SWTOR 6.0 Class Guided for the community, contact me at [email protected]

Click on each image below to access the individual in-depth class guide you are looking for. The guides are marked for PvE or PvP and are in that order.


Troopers are the Republic’s finest soldiers, well-equipped and trained for battle, engaging in ground fights with heavy blaster rifles and a versatile array of ammunition.


SWTOR Combat Medic Commando PvE Guide
by Otio
SWTOR Gunnery Commando PvE Guide Thumbnail
by Endonae
by Endonae
SWTOR Combat Medic Commando PvP Guide
by Xelthìa and Yashia
SWTOR Guide Currently Unavailable
SWTOR Assault Specialist Commando PvP Guide
by Xelthìa


SWTOR Shield Specialist Vanguard Tank PvE Guide
by Caboose
SWTOR Plasmatech Vanguard PvE Guide
by Prasah
SWTOR Tactics Vanguard PvE Guide
by Prasah


Smugglers are lucky, scrappy and cunning, able to utilize cover and execute powerful Charged Bursts to take down targets at a great distance.


SWTOR Sawbones Guide PvE
by Xelthìa
SWTOR Scrappoer Scoundrel PvE Guide Thumbnail
by Endonae
SWTOR 6.0 Ruffian PvE and PvP Guide
by Kamiala
SWTOR Sawbones PvP Guide
by Xelthìa
SWTOR Scrappoer Scoundrel PvP Guide
by Alim
SWTOR 6.0 Ruffian PvE and PvP Guide
by Kamiala


SWTOR Sharpshooter Gunslinger PvE Guide Thumbnail
by Endonae
by Endonae
SWTOR 6.0 Dirty Fighting PvE Guide
by Kyranar


The Jedi Consular trains primarily in the ways of the Force. Consulars can subdue their targets using telekinetic powers and lightsabers alike.


SWTOR Kinetic Combat Shadow PvE Guide
by Ahz
SWTOR Infiltration Shadow PvE Guide
by Zak
by Mebrithiel
SWTOR Kinetic Combat Shadow PvP Guide
by Siow
SWTOR Infiltration Shadow PvP Guide
by Krea
SWTOR Serenity Shadow PvP Guide
by Krea


SWTOR Seer Sage PvE Guide Thumbnail
by Endonae
SWTOR Telekinetics Sage PvE Guide Thumbnail
by Endonae
by Endonae


Jedi Knights are the order’s protectors and defenders. Knights charge into the fray with Force Leap, employing unmatched lightsaber prowess and a tactical use of the Force.


by Dantiko
SWTOR Watchman Sentinel PvE Guide
by Dantiko
SWTOR Concentratoin PvE and PvP Guide
by Anatessia


SWTOR Defense Guardian PvE Guide
by Sevrahn
SWTOR Vigilance Guardian PvE Guide Thumbnail
by Endonae
SWTOR Guide Coming Soon
SWTOR Defense Guardian PvP Guide
by Valek
SWTOR Guide Currently Unavailable
SWTOR Guide Currently Unavailable


Bounty Hunters are well-equipped and relentless trackers, utilizing a wide array of weaponry from blasters to missiles to flamethrowers.


SWTOR Bodyguard Mercenary PvE Guide
by Otio
SWTOR Arsenal Mercenary PvE Guide Thumbnail
by Endonae
SWTOR Innovative Ordnance Mercenary PvE Guide Thumbnail
by Endonae
SWTOR 6.0 Bodyguard Mercenary PvP Guide
by Xelthìa and Yashia
SWTOR Guide Currently Unavailable
SWTOR Innovative Ordnance PvP Guide
by Xelthìa


SWTOR Shield Tech Powertech PvE Guide
by Caboose
SWTOR Pyrotech Powertech PvE Guide
by Prasah
SWTOR Advanced Protorype PvE Guide
by Prasah


Agents are versatile, cunning and deadly, able to utilize cover and Snipe to take down targets at a great distance.


SWTOR Medicine Operative Guide PvE
by Xelthìa
by Endonae
SWTOR Lethality Operative PvE and PvP Guide
by Kamiala
SWTOR Guide PvP Medicine Operative
by Xelthìa
SWTOR Concealment Operative PvP Guide
by Alim
SWTOR Lethality Operative PvE and PvP Guide
by Kamiala


SWTOR Marksman Sniper PvE Guide Thumbnail
by Endonae
SWTOR Engineering Sniper PvE Guide Thumbnail
by Endonae
SWTOR Virulence Sniper PvE Guide
by Kyranar


The Sith Inquisitor is a master of the Dark side of the Force. Inquisitors overwhelm their targets with Force lightning and lightsabers alike.


SWTOR Darkness Assassin PvE Guide
by Ahz
SWTOR Deception Assassin PvE Guide
by Zak
by Mebrithiel
SWTOR Darkness Assassin PvP Guide
by Siow
SWTOR Deception Assassin PvP Guide
by Krea
SWTOR Hatred Assassin PvP Guide
by Krea


SWTOR Corruption Sorcerer PvE Guide Thumbnail
by Endonae
SWTOR Lightning Sorcerer PvE Guide Thumbnail
by Endonae
SWTOR Madness Sorcerer PvE Guide Thumbnail
by Endonae


Sith Warriors are deadly, expert fighters equipped with a lightsaber and the Force. Warriors can rush into a fight with Force Charge and Smash multiple targets with the Force.


by Dantiko
SWTOR Annihilation Marauder PvE Guide
by Dantiko
SWTOR Fury Marauder PvE and PvP Guide
by Anatessia


SWTOR Immortal Juggernaut PvE Guide
by Sevrahn
SWTOR Vengeance Juggernaut PvE Guide Thumbnail
by Endonae
SWTOR Guide Coming Soon
SWTOR Immortal Juggernaut PvP Guide
by Valek
SWTOR Guide Currently Unavailable
SWTOR Guide Currently Unavailable

If you are looking for more guides, check out these highlights that I have selected for you. You can also browse the SWTOR Guides category or use the Search function from the main menu.

How is the Class and Spec changing with SWTOR 7.0

In Update 7.0 BioWare is introducing a new term “Combat Styles”, which will replace the traditional class-specific disciplines. If you are curious and want to get a head-start, check out the SWTOR 7.0 Class Changes Previews available on the Public Test Server.

And if you are behind on the news, find out what the SWTOR Legacy of the Sith Expansion will have to offer.



Vulkk (Alex) is the owner of VULKK.com. His passion for video games as well as his love for all things Star Wars are reflected in his news and in-depth guides available here!
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